Code | Requestor | Campus | Date Received | Status | Effective Term | Date Processed | Processed by | Notes |
AAOC | Patricia Chong | WIN | 02-05-2010 | done | 201030 | 02.09.10 | jmo | For articulation purposes only when evaluating a transcript and there is no direct equivalency for the transfer course. |
AEC | Leighton Oride | KAU | 01-15-2010 | done | 201110 | 01-29-2010 | jmo | Fwded AEC subject code for KAU to Sandra Tamashiro. MTVCOMP Crs_Orgstr_IRO needs to be updated with new course for KAU after 201040 census (and before 201110 PRECEN1). KAU will set up AEC 110 for 201110. Banner Central notified as well as KAU. |
| Stuart Lau
| 08.25.11
| done
| Fall 2012 (201310)
| 09.01.11
| ah
| 8/25/11: Code request received COMG = Communicology 9/1/11: Code request sent to Banner Central; code created in Banner
| Stuart Lau
| 03/05/2012
| | Fall 2012 (201310)
| | 03/07/12
| AH
| 03/05/12: Requested supporting documents 03/06/12: Memo provided; need to clarify the college/department that GHPS falls under 03/07/12: Per Stuart, the courses will fall under the PHSE department; code request sent to Banner Central
| Leighton Oride
| 06.13.11
| Cancelled
| Spring 2012 (201230)
| 08.03.11
| ah
| 6/13/11: Code request received KELA = Kauai English Language Academy 7/19/11: OK to create code per Suzette Robinson 8/3/11: Code request emailed to Banner Central 8/15/11: Cancelling request; Kauai will use subject code ESL instead (per Jim Dire)
MCB | Stuart Lau | MAN | 01.11.11 | done
| Fall 2011 (201210) | 01.27.2011 | jmo | Fwded request to BC 1.27.11 MCB = Molecular and Cell Biology; Eff Term = 201210 NOTE: School of Medicine has CMB Cell and Molecular Biology. Checked with Stuart Lau - faculty have discussed and decided to proceed. Under CMB code there are 3 UG level classes. MCB as a subject code will be tied to the MCB-BS. Code established for MAN: 02.14.11 in Banner per MT.
PBT | James Goodman | LEE | 04-23-2010 | done | Fall 2010 (201110) | 04-23-2010 | cs | This is actually a request to change the code description and to enable displaying on the web. |
| Bernadette Howard
| 08.16.11
| Done
| Fall 2011 (201210)
| 08.25.11
| ah
| 8/16/11: Code request received RSG = Ready Set Grow Hawaii 8/24/11: Course creation in Banner approved by WIN VCAA and Chancellor; Curriculum Committee/Faculty Senate approval not necessary for this zero-credit program which will be established as a course in Banner (per R. Fulton); forwarded to Banner Central 8/25/11: Code established in Banner
SOS | Jean Pezzoli | MAU | 02-11-2010 | done | 201110 | 02.26.10 | jmo | Forwarded to Banner Central for set up of code. |
| Jean Pezzoli
| 04.28.11
| Done
| Fall 2011 (201210)
| 06.21.11
| ah
| 6/20/11: Code request sent to Banner Central 6/21/11: Per Jeannie Pezzoli, Maui has not used the SOS subject code and will instead use SSM