Code | Requester | Campus | Date Received | Status | Effective Term | Date Processed | Processed by | Notes |
Patricia Chong | WIN | 02-05-2010 | done | 201030 | 02.09.10 | jmo | For articulation purposes only when evaluating a transcript and there is no direct equivalency for the transfer course. | |
Leighton Oride | KAU | 01-15-2010 | done | 201110 | 01-29-2010 | jmo | Fwded AEC subject code for KAU to Sandra Tamashiro. | |
ATMO | Stuart Lau | MAN | 03.10.15 | In Banner | 201630 | ps | 03.10.15 Code request received to create new subject code and department code. 03.10.15 Code request sent to Banner. 03.11.15 Subject code and department code created in Banner. Campus and IRAO staff notified. | |
CM | James Cromwell | WOA | 01.02.2014 | In Banner | 201430 | 03.18.14 | ps | 01.02.14 Code request received. 03.17.14 Code request sent to Banner. 03.18.14 Subject code created in Banner. Campus and IRAO staff notified. |
Farah Doiguchi | HON | 04.11.12 | In Banner | Fall 2012 (201310) | 04.17.12 | ah | 04/11/12: Code request received | |
Stuart Lau | MAN | 08.25.11 | done | Fall 2012 (201310) | 09.01.11 | ah | 8/25/11: Code request received | |
ECED | Kathlen Lee | KAU | 04.15.15 | In Banner | Fall 2015 | 04.22.15 | ps | 04.15.15 Code request received. 04.22.15 Campus and IRAO notified. |
EDML | James Cromwell | WOA | 01.02.2014 | Request Sent to Banner | 201430 | ps | 01.02.14 Code request received. 03.17.14 Code request sent to Banner.03.18.14 Subject code created in Banner. Campus and IRAO staff notified. | |
EE | Kathlen Lee | KAU | 12.20.2014 | In Banner | Fall 2015 201610 | 02.13.2015 | ps | 12.20.14 Code request received. 02.13.15 IRAO staff noticed. |
ENRG | Janis Dela Cruz | KAU | 03.31.2014 | In Banner | Fall 2014 (201510) | 04.01.2014 | ps | 03.31.14 Code request received. 04.01.14 Subject code already exists in Banner. Campus and IRAO staff notified. |
ESEE | Stuart Lau | MAN | 12.11.2014 | In Banner | Spring 2015 | 12.17.2014 | ps | 12.11.14 Code request received. 12.17.14 Subject code request sent to Banner. IRAO staff notified. 12.17.14 Code in Banner. Campus notified. |
Stuart Lau | MAN | 06.03.13 |
| Spring 2014 |
| pii | 6/03/13 Code request received | |
Stuart Lau | MAN | 03/05/2012 | In Banner | Fall 2012 (201310) | 03/07/12 | AH | 03/05/12: Requested supporting documents | |
HIT | Ron Umehira | LEE | 06/21/12 | In Banner | Fall 2012 | 06/23/12 | ah | 06/21/12: Code request received (create subject code in conjunction with major code for AS-CA-CC program codes) |
Terri Ota | WOA | 4/30/13 | In Banner | Fall 2013 | 05/03/13 | pii | 04/30/13 Code request received (create subject code ISA for Information Security and Assurance), requested and received Curriculum Committee approval | |
Leighton Oride | KAU | 06.13.11 | Cancelled | Spring 2012 (201230) | 08.03.11 | ah | 6/13/11: Code request received | |
William Wilson | HIL | 04.18.12 | In Banner | Fall 2012 (201310) | 04.26.12 | ah | 04/18/12: Code request sent to Pearl | |
William Wilson | HIL | 09.12.13 | In Banner | Fall 2013 | 09.17.13 | ps | 09.12.13 Code request received. | |
LTEC | Stuart Lau | MAN | 12.03.14 | In Banner | Fall 2015 | 12/12/14 | ps | 12.03.14 Code request received. 12.10.14 Request sent to Banner Central. 12.12.14 Code created in Banner. Campus notified. |
Stuart Lau | MAN | 07-30-12 | In Banner |
| 07-30-12 | ah | 07/30/12: Code request received; rename "Environmental Law" to "Law-Environmental"; code request sent to Banner Central | |
Stuart Lau | MAN | 07-30-12 | In Banner |
| 07-30-12 | ah | 07/30/12: Code request receive; rename "Journal and Team Credits" to "Law-Journals and Teams"; code request sent to Banner Central | |
Stuart Lau | MAN | 07-30-12 | In Banner |
| 07-30-12 | ah | 07/30/12: Code request receive; rename "LLM (Master of Law)" to "Law-LLM Master of Laws"; code request sent to Banner Central | |
Stuart Lau | MAN | 07-30-12 | In Banner |
| 07-30-12 | ah | 07/30/12: Code request receive; rename "Law Writing" to "Law-Legal Writing"; code request sent to Banner Central | |
Stuart Lau | MAN | 07-30-12 | In Banner |
| 07-30-12 | ah | 07/30/12: Code request receive; rename "Pacific and Asian Law" to "Law-Pacific and Asian" ; code request sent to Banner Central | |
Stuart Lau | MAN | 07-30-12 | In Banner |
| 07-30-12 | ah | 07/30/12: Code request receive; rename "Ulu Lehua" to "Law-Ulu Lehua" ; code request sent to Banner Central | |
Leighton Oride | KAU | 06-14-13 | In Banner |
| 06.14.13 | pii | 06/14/13 Code request received; add MARE to Kauai subject codes; code already in Banner, informed IRAO staff and Kauai | |
Stuart Lau | MAN | 01.11.11 | done | Fall 2011 (201210) | 01.27.2011 | jmo | Fwded request to BC 1.27.11 | |
Stuart Lau | MAN | 07.18.13 | In Banner | Fall 2014 |
| ps | 07.18.13 Subject code request received. | |
MKT | Kailana Soto | KAU | 03.12.14 | In Banner | Fall 2014 | 03.12.2014 | ps | 03.04.14 Subject code request received. OVPCC verification needed. 03.11.14 OVPCC verification received. 03.12.14 add MKT to Kauai subject codes; code already in Banner, informed IRAO staff and Kauai. |
Farah Doiguchi | HON | 04.04.12 | In Banner | Fall 2012 (201310) | 04.09.12 | ah | 04/04/12: Code request received for new OKI Okinawan subject code | |
James Goodman | LEE | 04-23-2010 | done | Fall 2010 (201110) | 04-23-2010 | cs | This is actually a request to change the code description and to enable displaying on the web. | |
Stuart Lau | MAN | 09.13.13 | In Banner | Spring 2014 |
| ps | 09.13.13: Code request received. | |
Farah Doiguchi | HON | 04.04.12 | In Banner | Fall 2012 (201310) | 04.09.12 | ah | 04/04/12: Code request received for new PERS Persian subject code | |
Bernadette Howard | WIN | 08.16.11 | Done | Fall 2011 (201210) | 08.25.11 | ah | 8/16/11: Code request received RSG = Ready Set Grow Hawaii | |
SCFS | James Cromwell | WOA | 01.02.14 | Done | Spring 2014 | ps | 01.02.2014 Request received. 01.16.2014 Request sent to Banner Central. 02.03.2014 Subject code in Banner. Campus notified. | |
Jean Pezzoli | MAU | 02-11-2010 | done | 201110 | 02.26.10 | jmo | Forwarded to Banner Central for set up of code. | |
SSM | Janis Dela Cruz | KAU | 03.31.2014 | In Banner | Fall 2014 (201510) | 04.01.2014 | ps | 03.31.14 Code request received. 04.01.14 Subject code already exists in Banner. Campus and IRAO staff notified. |
Jean Pezzoli | MAU | 04.28.11 | Done | Fall 2011 (201210) | 06.21.11 | ah | 6/20/11: Code request sent to Banner Central | |
James West | LEE | 05.03.13 | Request sent | Fall 2013 |
| pii | 05/03/13 Code request received and sent to Banner Central |