Element Name | campusKey |
Description | Indicates campus jurisdiction as determined by the employing agency codes (EAC). |
UH Data Classification | Restricted per Executive Policy 2.214 |
LDAP Attribute Info | Embedded in uhScopedHomeOrg |
Required Format for Storage | 2 character code |
Example Stored Data | Only the following values are allowed: campusKey | Description |
CC | Community Colleges Chancellor Office(1) | HA | Hawaii CC | HI | UH Hilo | HO | Honolulu CC | KA | Kapiolani CC | KU | Kauai CC | LE | Leeward CC | MA | UH Manoa | MU | Maui CC | SW | UH System(2) | WI | Windward CC | WO | UH West Oahu |
Systems of Record | PeopleSoft HR |
UH Group Store | hawaii.edu:store:aff:<org equivalent values> hawaii.edu:store:hris:eac:2280 (for CC) |
UHIMS Events | - addAffilation or modifyAffiliation or deleteAffiliation
Notes | - CC doesn't have an equivalent in org's uhsystem. It can be calculated using EAC 2280*
- SW is not the same as org's uhsystem because uhsystem treats CC as part of it.
- It is mostly redundant with eduPersonOrgDN. Unless you have a specific need, you should always use eduPersonOrgDN instead of campusKey.
- In the OHR Data Mart data this is the "Campus Key" attribute.
- KFS also utilizes the campus key as described in the above table.