Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Develop the certification Manage Committees portion of the application


#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes
 CertificationFaculty has the right to exclude up to 10 tenured faculty members from serving
on their TPRC committee. This screen is editable only by the applicant.Manage Committees

The coordinator will assign members to the various committees

Must Have
  • Only the applicant and coordinator can see the data on this screenData is read-only for the coordinatorview and edit this screen
  • Disable the Exclusion Form link if the user is any other roleManage Committees link for all users except for the Coordinator


  • Rename "Continue" to "Save"
  • Remove the "Skip" button
  • Move "Help" button into the right side of the form header
  • Rename "Additional Faculty Members" to "+Add"

Input boxes

  • will be a type ahead validating against the FPP database table


  • Applicant cannot exclude more then 10 people
  • It is valid to not exclude anyone
Must HaveFPP database table must be built
  • list changes annually
  • load the data attached to FT-13
  • database columns
  • Name
  • UH Number
  • UH Username

    Clicking "Add" will popup a dialog with a type-ahead that validates
    against LDAP


    • For the TPRC committee only, members must come from the FPP database table
    • Prevent the coordinator from inputting a members name who is on the
      exclusion form 
    Must Have 

    User interaction and design

     Image Added


    Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

    Is this form required? What if we pop up a certification (reworded) when the
    applicant hovers over the "Submit Application" buttonCan you have more than 1 committee chair?
    Can the other committees (other than TPRC) be made up of anyone in the UH System?