- if he submits rebuttal to the Tenure, it shouldn't go to the TPRC redux because the TPRC was positive
- modal option for the applicant on the yes for Tenure and the no for Promotion
- i I submitted a rebuttal to tenure (will be sent to the Chancellor/Provost)
- i I submitted a rebuttal to promotion (will be sent to the TPRC)
- i I submitted a rebuttal to both (will be sent to the TRPCTPRC)
- i I did not submit a rebuttal to either (will be sent to the Chancellor/Provost)
rebutShow popup question Tenure Promotion
rebutRebut the Tenure
promotionRebut the
resultsPromotion Result yes yes no yes yes TPRC redux yes yes no yes no Provost yes yes no no yes TPRC redux yes yes no no no Provost no no yes should never happen because you can't get a promotion without being tenured TRPC redux no no no yes yes TPRC redux no no no yes no TRPC redux no no no no yes TPRC redux no no no no no Provost n/a yes yes Provost
- Email notification to TPRC Redux