Create application in TEST to make sure of the following
Application successfully linked to Team Drive
Eligibility data pre-filled with the data from PS
Campus specific sections successfully created on the Dossier
Test to make sure the initial permissions are set correctly and that they're saved in our local table
increment sequence number for appid on TEST mysql db
Dossier testing
upload file
create google file
link to google file
link to a file that's already in the dossier (system prevents that from occurring)
what happens if I change the name of the file in the team drive after linking it? the name doesn't change on the tenure side
What happens if you delete a linked file on TNP? The file is deleted from the team drive
create simp ticket for production deployment of the new code base
create accounts in TEST for Frank, Ariana and Adam
create 50 more test/prod team drives
verify that the setting to prevent downloading, copying and printing is set on the root of the team drive of the TEST site
7/16113/2018 - deploy new code base to production and apply schema changes7/16/2018 - meet with Sandra to review exclusion changes and to prep for training on 7/18 and 7/19
7/15/2018 - deploy new code base to production and apply schema changes
7/16/2018 - create the 2018 applications
- includes
includes Frank and Ariana (and Adam?) from the Dept of Learning Design and Technology at Manoa
if Manoa applicants are filing for extensions, should we create their application now and set them for 2019?
- verify that the setting to prevent downloading, copying and printing is set on the root of the team drive of the PROD site
7/18/2018 - CC training
7/19/2018 - CC training