Since UH is a G-Suite, our domain has unlimited storage for google drive.
New Service Accounts
Access our service accounts through the Google Developers Console. Erik and I are owners of the project that created the service accounts.
The client secret json files are loaded on the respective test/trng/prod servers under the home directory's .tenure-conf folder
Old Service Accounts
The test service account email address is
Anyone with Edit access can "Restrict download, print & copy actions on this file for commenters & viewers" and upload files
- can restrict downloading and printing at the team drive root folder level
Anyone with Full access can manage members in addition to what Edit access can perform
Getting a list of permissions through Google's API DOES NOT return the email address associated with that user so we'll need to keep a list of the uhNumbers associated with the permission IDs upon creation
Options going forward
- Stay with Google Drive
- Access has to be turned over to uhtnp or tenure-service-account by the applicant, which is a lot of work for the applicant
- ownership has to be transferred from uhtnp to tenure-service-account, which is a lot of work for ITS
- checkbox must be unticked, "Prevent editors from changing access and adding new people"
- Go with Team Drive
- Must be 1 team drive per application
- Applicant will transfer files into team drive
- folders cannot be copied from google drive to team drive so applicants would need to create them and then move the files