- Review dossier
- You will receive an email from the system when it's your turn to review
- Eligibility Tab
- For your information
- Dossier Tab
- The guts of what you need to review
- Recommendations Tab
- If you are the Chair for your committee, you will see this tab which includes the top section outlined in red
- You must make your recommendation by clicking yes, no or strengths and weaknesses (DPC only)
- You must upload your report
- You must click the Review Complete button once your recommendation has been selected and the report has been uploaded
If you do not do the above step, the application will be stuck at your committee!!
- If you are NOT the chair of your committee, you will only see the previous committee recommendations and reports
- If you are the Chair for your committee, you will see this tab which includes the top section outlined in red
- Eligibility Tab