Jira Reference: FT-675
Manoa needs a way to assign TPRC members in bulk.
Provide an admin interface to upload the flat file
- Bulk Operation
- TPRC Assignment
Flat file format
The flat file will contain the reviewers who are eligible to be on a TPRC committee for the upcoming cycle. OVPAE pulls the following from Peoplesoft.
- Rank 5 tenured faculty not on leave
- Remove those who served on last year's TPRC lists
- Poll faculty who are available
CSV file will have the following fields
UH Username | Faculty Type | UHM College Code |
Program to process flat file and do buik assignment
Validations on input
- Year is required and valid (format must be 4 digit year)
- File is required
Steps for parsing the file and store in memory
- for each row, lookup the UH Number from the PERSON table or LDAP
- if UH Number not found, skip the row and throw the username into an error file
- add the row to a map with the key = UH Username or UH Number and value = row data