Since UH is a G-Suite, our domain has unlimited storage for google drive.
New Service Accounts
Access our service accounts through the Google Developers Console. Erik and I are owners of the project that created the service accounts.
The client secret json files are loaded on the respective test/trng/prod servers under the home directory's .tenure-conf folder
- Created the file manually on the servers using vi, clicked 'a' for adding text and then copy and pasted the contents of the json file on my local to the vi editor; using 'i' (insert in vi) doesn't copy all the content and the beginning part gets cut off
Old Service Accounts
The test service account email address is
The prod service account email address is
The client secret json files are loaded on the respective test/trng/prod servers under the home directory's .tenure-conf folder
Drive synchronization software
With GSuite, end users have 2 options to synch their drive files with their desktop and UH's contract supports both
Drive File Stream supports both team and google drives
Backup & Synch only supports google drives
Here's a good comparison between the two:
Google Drive
Only the owner of the folder/file can check "Prevent editors from changing access and adding new people"
Only the owner of a file can check "Disable options to download, print, and copy for commenters and viewers"
Team Drive
Members are added at the root folder level
Folders cannot be shared (so none of the checkboxes above apply to folders)
Anyone with Edit access can "Restrict download, print & copy actions on this file for commenters & viewers" and upload files
- can restrict downloading and printing at the team drive root folder level
Anyone with Full access can manage members in addition to what Edit access can perform
Getting a list of permissions through Google's API DOES NOT return the email address associated with that user so we'll need to keep a list of the uhNumbers associated with the permission IDs upon creation
Options going forward
- Stay with Google Drive
- Access has to be turned over to uhtnp or tenure-service-account by the applicant, which is a lot of work for the applicant
- ownership has to be transferred from uhtnp to tenure-service-account, which is a lot of work for ITS
- checkbox must be unticked, "Prevent editors from changing access and adding new people"
- Go with Team Drive
- Must be 1 team drive per application
- Applicant will transfer files into team drive
- folders cannot be copied from google drive to team drive so applicants would need to create them and then move the files
Can the google viewer take you to a certain page in a PDF document?
Create an icon to create a google doc in T&P and allow them to name it
- store it in the root of the team drive
- store it in a separate folder?
- applicants would be working with it in the team drive so it seems kludgy
- when a document is uploaded, ask if they want to convert it to a native google doc
Can a native google doc be downloaded from google drive?
- No it can't
Link google docs to a section or have a wizardy setup on the dossier page
- do you want default categories?
- do you want a google doc created for each category?
Test word documents through the google drive viewer
- TOCs not retained
- hyperlinks retained
- bookmarks retained?
- ask Moriko if she's willing to share her word document