Academic Program Code Home Page

Academic Program Code Home Page

Program Code Process - Overview

Policy Compliance

The program code process ensures compliance with applicable policy.  The policies stipulate the approval levels (Regents, Presidents, OVPAS, OVPCC and Chancellor) required for the program actions (New, Change, Stop-out and Terminate) for the applicable Degree levels (Associates and higher, Certificates, Concentrations and Minors). 

Program Code Process

  1. Following the aforementioned Policy Compliance, please select the appropriate Program Code Request (PCR) Type (New or Modify, Program Title Change, College Reorganization or Termination).

  2. Complete the Program Code Request (PCR) with the required documentation (memo, reorganization and/or curriculum) and approvals (BORs, President, VPAS/OVPCC, Chancellor/Provost or VCAA/VPAE per policy; and Registrar and Financial Aid Officer on the PCR form)  It is the VCAA/VPAE's responsibility to notify other affected parties within the campus (chairs, admissions, catalog, curriculum, records, scheduler, Banner specialist, STAR builder, ...).

  3. A completed and approved PCR will be posted in the below Status Log by Campus.  If your request is not posted within a week following the necessary approvals, please contact Grant Kim (grantkim@hawaii.edu).

  4. The finalized PCR will then be submit to Banner for processing. The target for Banner processing is one to two weeks (Reorganizations and complex requests may take longer). (Technical note: A Program Code Summary is used to summarize the functional PCR into detailed Banner Application (SMAPRLE, SOACURR, STVMAJR, ...)) actions.

    1. For new program requests that require posting on the online application(s), Banner central may be contacting the requestor for coordination on the timing of posting on the online application(s).

  5. The Status Log by Campus will be updated with "COMPLETE".

  6. Applicable program actions will be updated in DATA.HAWAII.EDU - Operational Data Storage (ODS/DAPIR) and implemented during the next freeze cycle (refer to DATA.HAWAII.EDU Freeze Schedule). (Technical note: A MTVCOMP is used to summarize the PCR into the ODS structure).

  7. Applicable program actions will be updated in the Master List of Curricula during the following academic year.

Request Type

New or Modify/Replace Program Code (PDF Fillable) 

This form will be used for creating new or modifying/replacing programs, concentrations, or minors.

Entirely new programs (new major, associates degree and higher) would complete the New Academic Programs Proposal Submission Kuali Build Form (go to Kuali Build, select "New Academic Programs Proposal Submission"), which follows the below process:  Details are available at the UH System Office of the Vice President for Academic Strategy - Academic Programs Actions.  The deadline for new programs requiring posting on the Fall online application is February 15 of the prior year (18 months).  Submissions after this date are likely to be posted on the online application at a later semester.

  • Step One: Authorization to Plan (ATP)

  • Step Two: Provisional Program Approval

  • Step Three: Provisional to Established Status Approval

Program Replacements:  Program modifications involving the replacement of an existing program would specify an effective term for the new program, stop-out term for the existing/replaced program and optionally a termination term for the existing/replaced program (only if certain there will be no students enrolled in the existing program during the termination term). Please enter these terms in the respective PCR boxes.

In unique program replacement cases where the new program requires a catalog term earlier than the effective term (in order to recode existing students in the same catalog term as the existing/replaced program, while prohibiting recruitment/admission in the new program), please document this in the Additional Comments section (technical note: the earlier catalog term will be input in SFACPLR, not SOACURR, then the earlier catalog term may be optionally updated to the student record).

Changes to the CIP code affects the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) and Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment (FVT/GE) data submissions, and potentially impact student financial aid.  From a policy perspective, this may be considered a significant program change.  If the CIP code change is required, please be sure that all essential personnel (chief academic officer, registrar, financial aid officer, ...) on campus are notified during the discussions.  For Community Colleges, please refer to the UHCC procedures (contact UHCC Academic Affairs).  For 4-year campuses, please send a memo to IRAO director.  If more than one campus uses the major code, all campuses will need to be in agreement or the requesting campus will need to request a new major code.

Distance programs are managed by UH Online and can be reached at uhdl@hawaii.edu.  The 11/2/2022 Online Program Classifications memo provides guidance on the classification of recognized fully online and hybrid programs throughout the UH system.  In order for an online program to be recognized as either a fully online or hybrid program, the UH Online and Hybrid Program Recognition Kuali Build Form must be completed. The form’s workflow will be routed for approval through the respective units (i.e., UH Mānoa, UH Hilo, UH West O‘ahu, University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges) and acknowledged by the UH Online Office. 

Proposed distance program identification (pending committee approval):  The Campus field will be used to identify fully online and hybrid programs.  "DE" will be used for fully online programs.

Current distance program identification (as of April 2024): The Major field will end with "D" and the program field contain a "/D" following the major field (which may use the traditional non-distance major) for fully online programs.  The Major field will end with "H" and the program field contain a "/H" following the major field (which may use the traditional non-distance major) for hybrid programs.. Example: Traditional non-distance major = LBRT Liberal Arts; fully online distance major = LBRD Liberal Arts Distance;  traditional non-distance program = AA-LBRT AA-Liberal Arts; fully online distance program = AA-LBRT/D AA-Liberal Arts Distance.

Program Title Change (Multiple Program Codes) (PDF Fillable)   

This form will be used for replacing old program codes with a new program code, due to a program title change of BOR authorized program.  The major code will need to be changed for the parent and child(ren) programs.  For example, if President approves to change the program title of Accounting to Accounting Technician at the community college campuses, the requester will use this form and include the associate degree and all concentrations and certificates under Accounting.  Refer to the SDOC Program Code Policies for guidance.

College Reorganization Affecting Program Codes (Multiple) (PDF Fillable)  

Banner programs are assigned to a College and Department (no Division).  Creating a new College requires this form, which replaces the existing program codes with new program codes.  College renaming, where programs remain with the same college, may not require this form.  Creating a new Department or Department renaming does not require new program codes.  College and/or Department reorganizations require a memo signed by the chancellor/provost and an official organization chart. 

Program codes can only be used for one college at a campus.  For example, if college A at Hilo is using program code BA-BIOL, then college B at Hilo will not be able to use that program code.  College B will then modify the code by adding the college to the end of the code, ie BA-BIOL(B). This will also hold true when a program is being moved from one college to another.

Please specify the term to implement reorganizations in Banner and in DATA.HAWAII.EDU (ODS/DAPIR).  Reorganizations in DATA.HAWAII.EDU (ODS/DAPIR) will affect all non-frozen records, including both enrollment and degrees.

Terminate Program Code (PDF Fillable) 

This form will be used for terminating program codes or the stop out of admissions.

Other Types of Requests

Change the online application status

Send an email to Grant Kim (grantkim@hawaii.edu) with a cc to the registrar and other essential personnel on the campus.

Change financial aid eligibility

Send an email to Grant Kim (grantkim@hawaii.edu) with a cc to the VCAA/VPAE, financial aid officer, registrar and other essential personnel on the campus.


Code References

Excel sheets with Programs and Majors ( ) will be updated quarterly on this site.  Use Excel filtering (by Institution, College, Degree, Major, Program Status, ...) to view/print lists.

For the current list, the operational version is on Banner. 

  • For Programs, go to "Program Definition Rules" (SMAPRLE).  Go to "Filter" at the top right, then "Advanced Filter" in the top left, then you can filter by Institution, Program Code, Program Description and more.  Example: search on "Program" "Contains" and "Description" "Contains". 

  • For Major, query "Major, Minor, Concentration Code Validation" (STVMAJR).

  • For CIP, query "CIPC Code Validation" (STVCIPC).  To research CIP codes, visit the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) https://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/cipcode.  The name and curriculum of proposed Majors, Minors and Concentrations should align with a CIP Code.

CIP/SOC Crosswalk (as of 2019-SEPT-19)

Status Logs by Campus


Please email your questions to grantkim@hawaii.edu, if you would like it to be posted on the FAQs page.

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