Data Access Agreement Forms

Data Access Agreement Forms

UH authorized employee access to sensitive personal data, as defined in Executive Policy E2.214, requires employees too review and sign or to electronically accept the UH Employee Confidentiality Notice.

UH authorized 3rd Party (such as contractors) access to sensitive sensitive personal data requires the authorized individuals too review and sign or to electronically accept the 3rd Party Confidentiality Agreement.

Employee General Confidentiality Notice

This notice has been established to help ensure that University of Hawai'i employees are aware of their obligation to protect and to appropriately access University data.

General Confidentiality Notice: Notice

New! The General Confidentiality Notice may now be acknowledged on-line with our new ACER (Acknowledgements and Certifications) on-line service: ACER Information, ACER on-line.

3rd Party Confidentiality Agreement

This agreement has been established by Risk Assessment for the eCommerce RFP to help ensure that 3rd parties such contractors and vendors that are granted access to Univeristy data are aware of their obligation to protect and appropriate access University data.

Vendor Confidentiality Agreement: Agreement

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