Student PO Notification Job

Student PO Notification Job

Run Time

Daily at 10:10pm


Student PO has to periodically check in ITS Admin or when she receives a badge request form for a new hire to create the student's record in ITS Admin. This job will give the PO timely notice that a student was hired and that she can go in and create the ITS Admin record.

Job Description

Looks at active students in SECE (based on warrant distribution codesĀ 032,054,553,850) and if the students do not have a personnel position record in ITS Admin, an email will be sent to the student PO for ITS with those students' information.

Sample Notification

From: itsadmin@hawaii.edu <itsadmin@hawaii.edu>
Date: Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 12:05 PM
Subject: ITSADMIN: New Student Hires
To: <heidy@hawaii.edu>

The following student hires do not have an ITS Admin record.

Name: Aiko Yamashiro
Uhuuid: 15386086
Job Id: 90480-A64
Job Title: Editor

Name: Kaleb Sandin
Uhuuid: 20824335
Job Id: 5311-A21
Job Title: Information Technology Student Assistant

Name: Luke Clements
Uhuuid: 24710389
Job Id: 5311-A31
Job Title: Information Technology Student Assistant