ITS Admin Message Requirements
Impetus behind ITS Admin publishing messages is to allow auto management of mailing lists for ITS employees (students and staff). An employee's ITS Admin record consists of a PERSONNEL record, which contains general information about an employee like UH Number, Name, Office Location, Contact Info, and multiple POSITION records, which contain position specific information like position title, position number, pay, ITS division. An employee usually has 1 active position but there are rare cases where an employee could have multiple active positions.
ITS' personnel officer(s) have the permissions to update employee information in ITS Admin. Employees have the permissions to update select data elements in ITS Admin like Contact Info and Emergency Contact Info.
ITS Admin will publish affiliation messages (see message specs), which transmit data from the POSITION records with the exception of the Office Location, which comes from the PERSONNEL record. Possible enhancement, after discussion and analysis, is to move the Office Location data elements to the POSITION records because an employee with multiple active positions could have different office locations per position.
Message Triggers
When a new employee record/position is added to the system
- addAffiliation
When an employee's division or section is changed
- deleteAffiliation and then addAffiliation
- reasoning behind this is that the section is part of the routing key
When an employee's Office Location is changed
- modifyAffiliation
When an employee's position is inactivated or deleted
- deleteAffiliation