Role of the Administrator

Role of the Administrator

Each campus has a designated Administrator. The Functional Lead and Business Analyst roles in Roles and Responsibilities identifies the administrators of the system.


  • Upload updated help files under their campus folder, eg guidelines and criteria for TnP, classifications, guidelines, etc, to this Shared Google Drive
    • Notify ITS if links on the TnP site need to be changed, specifically the Classification or Guidelines link for your respective campus
  • Create a JIRA to add dossiers to the Dossier Library
  • Create a JIRA to create a copy of an applicants google shared drive (after the TnP process is final)
  • Train coordinators, applicants and reviewers for your campus


  • Access to Admin tab
    • Lookup data values in use by the system, such as Classification codes, Ranks, Application Types, States, etc.
    • Add coordinators and chancellors for your campus

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