Throughout the course of the tournament duration, please play all matches you are scheduled.
Use the ITC Table Tennis Group Calendar, which can be added by calendar ID - hawaii.edu_9j9cf8bic33arhlt4bp5bvgad0@group.calendar.google.com.
Because we do not have exclusive use of the table it is highly suggested to check the Table Tennis Cam - http://www.hawaii.edu/its/tt/cam.htm before going to play. Note: the TT cam is accessible only on the ITC wired connection ( Login credentials are: tt/tt
Warm Ups
The duration of how long warm ups last is up to the players.
Best of 5 games to 11 points - you must win by 2
Keep track of your game won-lost record and post the results in the Google Doc (if one person wins 3-0 or 3-1, you may play the rest of the games for practice but they do not count and should not be part of the won-lost record posted in the google document).
"Off the Environment Shots"
These types of shots are when a ball hits off the ceiling/wall (or any other surface that is not apart of the table) and bounces back into play on the opponents side.
For tournament play, the ball is considered dead when a contestant hits it off the ceiling, wall, or spectator etc.
Doubles Serving
Prior to the match starting the players will decide (either by jan-ken-po, coin toss, silly ball roll back trick etc.) a winner to select to serve, receive or a table side.
- If serve is selected - the loser will choose the side to start on
- If receive is selected - the loser will choose the side to start on
- If a side is selected - the loser will choose to serve or receive
Serving will always be performed on the right side of the table