ITS Administrative Application (ITSAdmin) pulls data from the SECE Application (SECE) as needed.
When a student is hired by ITS, a personnel from the Admin Services group will create the record of that student within ITSAdmin.
The process outline:
Calls a struts action defined on the SECE side to lookup a student via the placement ID (plcID).
The values are defaulted for transID and plcTransID.
Ex. The call returns an XML file to be parsed locally and saved:
<plcStdName>Haake Contento, Mark</plcStdName>
<plcJobTitle>Computer Operator I</plcJobTitle>
<deptName>Information Technology Services-Network Operations</deptName>
<plcType>UH Payroll</plcType>
<transDescr>11-02-2016 Hire Student - Establish on UH Payroll</transDescr>