Federal Work Study data loaded to Banner Financial Aid.
When: 1st and 15th of the Month. 9:00AM
Forward email to the following recipients:
HAW: calvin.black@hawaii.edu, smathews@hawaii.edu
HIL: sherriep@hawaii.edu, shanak@hawaii.edu
HON: heather.florendo@hawaii.edu
KAP: jbradley@hawaii.edu
KAU: jeffa@hawaii.edu
LEE: greggy@hawaii.edu
MAN: jodiek@hawaii.edu, jamieu@hawaii.edu
MAU: davileig@hawaii.edu
WIN: arc8@hawaii.edu
WOA: joshiro6@hawaii.edu
Review the report in SSH (/jobsub/UH/finaid/sys/fwsload/reports). Separate reports based on institution, and FileDrop to the appropriate Financial Aid Administrator.