ITS Administrative Application (ITSAdmin) pulls data from the SECE Application (SECE) as needed.
An API key is required to communicate with SECE. This api key is stored in SECE's database. A common occurrence is for the SECE TEST database to be refreshed with production data, which changes the api key thus breaking the communication link between SECE and ITS Admin. The result is no data being pulled into ITS Admin. The fix is to change the api key to what's referenced in ITS Admin's property file.
When a student is hired by ITS, a personnel from the Admin Services group will create the record of that student within ITSAdmin.
The process outline:
Calls a struts action defined on the SECE side to lookup a student via the placement ID (plcID). The values are defaulted for transID and plcTransID. Ex.
- The call returns an XML file to be parsed locally and saved:
<plcStdName>Haake Contento, Mark</plcStdName>
<plcJobTitle>Computer Operator I</plcJobTitle>
<deptName>Information Technology Services-Network Operations</deptName>
<plcType>UH Payroll</plcType>
<transDescr>11-02-2016 Hire Student - Establish on UH Payroll</transDescr>