Configuration form: https://hawaii-sbx.kualibuild.com/app/builder/#/form/6035ce2d31df9a001faf668e
Integration: https://hawaii-sbx.kualibuild.com/app/builder/#/home/api-integrations/60bebd6213af54001f21955a/edit
App Script (under the kualibld account): https://script.google.com/d/1UEy4ZUmhbcrihGYVoak9-LEZjK_V2aVQZjJmak4edkz_FtLL3qjJ6Jzz/edit?usp=sharing
Script with Optional Kuali User Integration
Generic google app script that pulls data from any specified spreadsheet. If none of the optional parameters are provided, the script will grab all the sheet's data like normal.
Google App Script Name (under the kualibld account): Generic Script
Kuali Build Integration url endpoint: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbwTdQX6BcX-su8ZXwGd9PozxJci94c-mpJ4yjwBhQrr7zjNuljAg8nCQayGi8AMRoHAGA/exec
Google App Script Name (under the kualibld account): Generic Script
Parameter Name | Required | Description | Valid Values | Default |
sheetId | Y | Google spreadsheet id | ||
sheet | N | Sheet name to pull data from a specific sheet in the spreadsheet | first sheet | |
env | N | The environment to get Kuali Build user data from |
| prod |
filterColumn | N | Column header name that will be used to lookup the Kuali User record using the GraphQL API. The json will include the specified user's Kuali user ID, displayName, email, username, and schoolId. |
| UH_Number |
sortHeader | N | Column header name to sort the returned data on | ||
(header) | N | Supply a column's header as a parameter to filter rows based on the parameters value. When using this the column's header cannot contain a space. (ex: ColumnHeader=Value) |