Versions Compared


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  • Bulk Operation
    • TPRC Assignment
    • include app IDs to exclude from the process

Flat file format

The flat file will contain the reviewers who are eligible to be on a TPRC committee for the upcoming cycle. OVPAE pulls the following from Peoplesoft.

  • Rank 5 tenured faculty not on leave
  • Remove those who served on last year's TPRC lists
  • Poll faculty who are available

CSV file will have the following fields


OVPAE will give us an xls extract from PS which includes the fields below in addition to many other fields. UHM College Code corresponds to our system's Office ID which maps to "Job Div Cd" in the speadsheet.

UH NumberFaculty TypeUHM College Code

Program to process flat file and do bulk assignment


  1. query campus applicants by year and campus, and sort by faculty type (Classification in Tenure's database) and then UHM Department (Subject Area in Tenure's database)
    • primary sort by faculty type in this order, S, B, R, A, I/J/M
    • secondary sort by UHM Department
  2. create applicant groups composed of 9 applicants
    • create applicant groups starting with the S's, then the B's, then the R's, then the A's
      • combine multiple types when necessary, for example, if there are 14 S's and 16 R's, 9 S's in one group and 5 S's + 4 R's in the next group and 9 R's in the next group, etc
    • for I/J/M faculty, create applicant groups by UHM Department
      • (question) keep applicants in the same department together; combining departments is ok
  3. randomly select 7 people from the TPRC Reviewer pool (map generated from parsing the flat file) and assign them to a group from Step 2
    • prioritize reviewers of the same faculty type as the applicant groups
    • UHM College (Office ID in Tenure's database)
    • (question) reviewer must not appear on an applicant's exclusion list
  4. generate csv reports
    • TPRC members list
      • anyone that this program selected assigned to serve on a TPRC committee
      • sort by last name
    • TPRC committees
      • name of TPRC group and the members of that TPRC group
