This listing is dynamically updated but is current as of 7/15/2021. Kuali Build automatically adds an affiliation to the listing that it hasn't seen before.
See the complete listing of orgs and their meanings here.
- faculty (uhsystem)
- staff (uhsystem)
- student (uhsystem)
- other (uhsystem)
- faculty (uhm)
- staff (uhm)
- student (uhm)
- other (uhm)
- faculty (uhh)
- staff (uhh)
- student (uhh)
- other (uhh)
- faculty (uhwo)
- staff (uhwo)
- student (uhwo)
- other (uhwo)
- faculty (hcc)
- staff (hcc)
- student (hcc)
- other (hcc)
- faculty (kcc)
- staff (kcc)
- student (kcc)
- other (kcc)
- faculty (lcc)
- staff (lcc)
- student (lcc)
- other (lcc)
- faculty (wcc)
- staff (wcc)
- student (wcc)
- other (wcc)
- faculty (mauicc)
- staff (mauicc)
- student (mauicc)
- other (mauicc)
- faculty (kauaicc)
- staff (kauaicc)
- student (kauaicc)
- other (kauaicc)
- faculty (hawcc)
- staff (hawcc)
- student (hawcc)
- other (hawcc)
- faculty (uh)
- staff (uh)
- student (uh)
- other (uh)
- faculty (rcuh)
- staff (rcuh)
- student (rcuh)
- other (rcuh)
- faculty (uhf)
- staff (uhf)
- student (uhf)
- other (uhf)
- faculty (uhs)
- staff (uhs)
- student (uhs)
- other (uhs)
- faculty (ewc)
- staff (ewc)
- student (ewc)
- other (ewc)
- faculty (other)
- staff (other)
- student (other)
- other (other)