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When a code change is ready for deployment for TESTING or into PRODUCTION.  Jenkins can be used to do this.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open a browser to:
  2. Find:
    1. For TEST, click the link:  itsadmin-deploy-test
    2. For PROD, click the link:  itsadmin-deploy-prod
  3. Verify that you are on the correct Project page before clicking the link:  "Build Now"
  4. The build is complete when the time-lapsed status bar finishes under the "Build History" section.



Filter by label (Content by label)showLabelsfalsemax5spacesITSADMINshowSpacefalsesortmodifiedreversetruetypepagecqllabel = "kb-how-to-article" and type = "page" and space = "ITSADMIN"labelskb-how-to-articleCurrently Running Tomcat 8.5 and upgrading to Tomcat 9 by 1st quarter of 2025.