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Jira Reference: FT-818


The workflow is different for these types of applications and they weren't accounted for in the initial roll out for the 4 year campuses. 

In rank promotions are not contract renewal applications. They are promotions in rank, i.e. from I2-A to I2-B. How we currently handle them is by manually transitioning applications from the Dean to the Provost (for Manoa applications).


Only applies to promotions

Only applies to 4 year campuses (Manoa, UHWO, Hilo)

Add an "In-rank" checkbox to the Eligibility tab, which we'll use to determine if it's an in-rank promotion or not

For these "in-rank" applications, if the DPC, DC, and Dean are positive, skip the TPRC and go to the Provost. If any level below the TPRC is negative, go to the TPRC.

I3 promotions follow the normal workflow and do not skip the TPRC.

There's an email that's sent to the applicant if all committee recommendations are positive. Since these in-rank applications skip the TPRC, send this email to the applicant if the DPC, DC and Dean are positive.


How do we identify these applications?

  • an "In-rank" checkbox will be added to the Eligibility tab, which we'll use to determine if it's an in-rank promotion or not

How do the other 4 year campuses handle these applications? UHWO and Hilo follow the same path

The system does a negative recommendation check at any level post TPRC's 1st review. How does that apply to these applications if the Dean is positive but say the DPC or DC is negative? If there's a negative in any of the committee levels, go to the TPRC

What are delegated promotions?


Need to import special salary adjustment (SSA) data field from Peoplesoft and present this on the Eligibility tab.  The field indicates if an SSA has been awarded. We need coordinators to indicate if an SSA was for merit (vs. equity or retention); and if so to upload the SSA documentation.  The achievements for Merit SSAs should not be considered for tenure or promotion actions, and currently there is no way for a reviewer to know this.


Add SSA field(s) to the eligibility tab

  • Need an input box to display the latest SSA, a checkbox to indicate whether the SSA was for merit or not, and an upload element to upload the SSA
  •  Cameron Ahana mockup what it'll look like on the eligibility tab

This only applies to promotion apps (Tenure w/ automatic promotion, Tenure and Promotion, Promotion Only)


  • Where do we get the SSA data from?
    • hr_ps_report_tbl in the HR datamart

    • Code Block
      select *
      from hr_ps_report_tbl
      where pers_action in ('PAY', 'PYC')
      and pers_reason in ('480', '481’)

      Clinton responded: Take a look and see if this is what you’re looking for.  In theory, each employee should not have more than 1 SSA within a 12 month period.  So for example if I got an SSA effdt’d 10/16/2024, the next time I would be eligible for another SSA would be 10/17/2025.  But there is nothing in the system to stop entry of multiple SSAs within a 12 month period.  Jane folks run reports to try to clean up the data and follow up with units.  More FYI for you not sure if it will affect you for the purposes you will be using this for.
  • What pers_reason do we look for?
    • Functionals said to pull in action_reason 406; they haven’t seen 480 or 481 used but Leilani is checking with OHR