No one with a negative at any level shouldn't go into the library
Contract renewals (Sandra to map out process but here are my notes from the meeting)
- relabel "Dossier" to "Application"
- when will the shared drive be created?
- do we have to worry about permissions
- Tabs
- no exclusions
- Final status
- Manoa ends at Dean
- CC ends at the chancellor
- both skip the TPRC
- Dec. 20th is the deadline to reach the Dean/chancellor and the campuses work backwards from there for deadlines, i.e. there is no hard deadline for applicants to submit for contract renewal
- Need more app types
- 2 one done in the 2nd year and one done in the 4th year
- if they get an extension, there could be a max of 4 contract renewals
- DPC rebuttals
- Appeals/contract renewals
Action Items
- Cameron Ahana send email out to functional team the test site and a list of JIRAs that can be tested
- Deena Yamamoto send out sample email for applicants with all positive recommendations
- Sandra Uyeno start specs for contract renewal process
FT-411 wordsmith the "Continue Review" popup when applicant reviewing
FT-412 remove coordinator from being able to press continue review and let the scheduled job handle it
no need interface for audit log for an application
keep the twice a month meetings but cancel if no agenda
Action Items
- Cameron Ahana convert requirements into jiras in this document