- Develop of the eligibility portion of the application
Jira Legacy | ||||||||||||
# | Title | User Story | Importance | Notes |
Eligibility Screen | Coordinator will input this information for the Applicant | Must Have |
| |
Form Fields | Campus
Subject Area
Primary Department
Primary College
Secondary Department
Secondary College
Initial Appointment (left blank and input by the coordinator)
Current Appointment (prefilled with data from PS)
Tenure Consideration
Tenure Year
Date of Last Promotion Waiver of Minimum Requirements
| Must Have |
User interaction and design
PeopleSoft Queries
Pulls all the fields in 1 query (subject area, primary and secondary department and college, initial and current appointment, date of tenure , date of last promotion
Code Block |
select ps.name, ps.employee_alt_id, ps.empl_record_no, ps.eac_division_desc as primary_division, ps.eac_branch_desc as primary_branch,
ps.eac_section_desc as subject_area, secondary_ps.empl_record_no as secondary_empl_no, secondary_ps.eac_division_desc as secondary_division,
secondary_ps.eac_branch_desc as secondary_branch, ps.grade as current_grade,
initial_hire.grade as initial_grade, ps.tenure_code, ps.tenure_desc, ps.tenure_year as tenure_year, ps.univ_appt_date, ps.tenure_effective_date,
initial_hire.pers_reason_effective_date as hire_date, last_promotion.pers_reason_effective_date as last_promotion_date
from edadba.psempl ps,
(select * from
(select employee_alt_id, empl_record_no, eac_division_desc, eac_branch_desc, row_number()
over(partition by employee_alt_id order by empl_record_no ) as sort_column
from edadba.psempl where employee_alt_id='14589893' and employee_type_code='F' and empl_status <> 'T' and empl_record_no > 1)
where sort_column = 1) secondary_ps,
(select * from
(select employee_alt_id, empl_record_no, grade, pers_reason_effective_date, row_number()
over(partition by employee_alt_id order by pers_reason_effective_date ) as sort_column
from edadba.hr_ps_report_tbl where employee_alt_id='14589893' and employee_type_code='F' and pers_action in ('HIR','HRC'))
where sort_column = 1) initial_hire,
(select * from
(select employee_alt_id, empl_record_no, grade, pers_reason_effective_date, row_number()
over(partition by employee_alt_id order by pers_reason_effective_date desc ) as sort_column
from edadba.hr_ps_report_tbl where employee_alt_id='14589893' and employee_type_code='F' and pers_action='PRO')
where sort_column = 1) last_promotion
where ps.employee_alt_id='14589893' and
ps.employee_type_code='F' and
ps.empl_status <> 'T' and
ps.employee_alt_id = secondary_ps.employee_alt_id(+) and
ps.employee_alt_id=initial_hire.employee_alt_id(+) and
ps.empl_record_no=initial_hire.empl_record_no(+) and
ps.employee_alt_id=last_promotion.employee_alt_id(+) and
ps.empl_record_no=last_promotion.empl_record_no(+) order by ps.empl_record_no; |
Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:
Question | Outcome |
Is the Tenure Consideration field required? | yes |
Does the Coordinator need to upload a document of Chancellor's approval? | yes |