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If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any TAC members or send email to  We’ll endeavor to document any questions that we get on this page.


The ITS Directors have asked the TAC to escalate to them any architectural decisions that are felt to be particularly strategic, controversial or have a large impact on the organization.  For example, the TAC escalated its “Patching Principle” to the ITS Directors because the principle could have significant impact on daily operations across ITS.

Q: How is membership of the TAC determined?

TAC membership is made up of the ITS staff persons that generally serves as the primary architects for significant technical areas (domains). Ideally as a group, the membership will be representative of all ITS divisions and will provide broad technical and logistic expertise.

Q: What is a 'lifecycle technology roadmap' as mentioned in the committee charge?

It is simply a document that outlines what technologies we use and how long we expect to use them.  TAC uses a format called a ‘brick’ to define the lifecycle of each technical component. There is more on bricks in the our architecture section of this web site.
