In some cases, users may have inputs or datasets that comprise of a lot of files that are much smaller than 1 MB each, resulting in hitting a limit on how many files they can store before exhausting the storage space they have been allocated. This limitation can be frustrating, but in the case the files are not needing to be modified, utilization of an archive format is ideal and in fact encouraged. For some this could be a simple tar file and for others they need the ability to access these files on a regular basis without having to unpack the contents of the archive. To create a simple to use, read only archive that can be mounted on Koa on a folder in your home directory during a jobs execution, we encourage users to consider using a SquashFS archive.
Note |
SquashFS is a read-only file format. This means you cannot directly modify the files stored in the archive. |
The benefits of using something like squashFS for the three storage locations that have limits on the number of files store are: