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Expected End of Service


Life Jan 3, 2024


Mana is the University of Hawai‘i (UH) high performance computing (HPC) cluster –  a collection of many computers called nodes connected together with a network –  that solves computational problems too large for standard computers.  Mana is operated by UH Information Technology Service Cyberinfrastructure, that serves as a central university wide computational resource which supports data and computationally intensive research in over 90 disciplines. Mana consists of 366 nodes (9,396 cores) with a total of 67 TB of RAM, 120 GPUs and more than 1 PB of storage. Mana has grown steadily since it was deployed in late 2014, with investments from the University, an NSF MRI award ( #1920304 ) and ongoing Principal Investigator (PI) purchases of condo compute nodes. Mana is free to use for all UH users, with the Slurm Workload Manager managing access with a fair share algorithm. UH community users get uninterrupted access to the 215 the University owned machines, but can also schedule work on the 130 PI owned nodes via partitions subject to preemption by node owners' job submissions.

Since 2014, over 685 users, across multiple campuses in the University system, have used Mana.  Mana has also provided over 274,175,144 CPU hours since 2014 and 588,806 GPU hours since 2019. (last updated July 31, 2022)


Mana is FREE to use by all UH faculty, staff and students across the 10 campus system, but unlike UHUNIX, access to Mana is not granted by default to everyone at UH


8,500  processor cores

Intel processor types:

340 nodes

Dual-socket nodes, 10 to 24 cores per socket

6 nodes

Quad-socket nodes, 10 cores per socket

2 standard login nodes

4 vCPUs, 8 GB RAM

1 tmux/screen login node

4 vCPUs, 8 GB RAM

2 Open Ondemand nodes

4 vCPUs, 16 GB RAM

2 Data transfer nodes

16 vCPUs, 128 GB RAM, 100 Gbit/s Ethernet

63.19 TB of total system memory

Memory per computational nodes vary from

96 GB, 128 GB, 192 GB, 256 GB, 512 GB and 1 TB of RAM

Intel True Scale QDR Infiniband

  • Topology: Fat tree with a 1:1 blocking factor

  • Bandwidth: 40 Gbit/s

  • In Use: Yes 

  • Expanding:  No. Last node added 2018

Mellanox HDR Infiniband

  • Topology: Fat tree with a 4:1 blocking factor

  • Bandwidth: 100 Gbit/s

  • In Use: Yes

  • Expanding: Yes

1/25/100 Gbit Ethernet network

Computational nodes are not provided public IPs, but are capable of accessing external networks and websites

120 Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) in 18 nodes

4 Nvidia Tesla K40s

32 Nvidia Tesla V100s

32 Nvidia Quadro RTX 5000

44 Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti

8 Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070

80 TB of free permanent storage

Total home and group space  available

211 TB of free temporary storage

Total temporary (scratch) space available

1 PB of Long Term Storage

For fee permanent storage 
