This web service will expose a POST method that Kuali Build applications can call to transmit completed KB documents into OnBase, UH's document imaging system.
- getPDF()
- callback to KB using the document ID to export the PDF from KB
- generateIndexFile()
- index file specifications
- keywords+ | OnBase document type | PDF filename
- additional notes
each index file will have the naming convention kuali-build-index-yyyymmddmmss.txt
each filename will have a distinct naming convention kuali-build-doc-yyyymmddmmss.pdf
This will allow all the pairings (of index and PDF) to get saved in the same directory
On the OnBase side, they'd search for something like kuali-build-index*.txt
- Our service will create 1 entry per index file even though OnBase supports multiple records per index file.
- sample index file
- index file specifications
- transfer
- sftp the PDF and the index file to
OnBase will periodically pull files from the sftp server, stage them on a DIP server, and then ingest the PDF into OnBase.
Admins need to be able to pull a document from Kuali Build adhoc in the event the POST in Kuali Build fails. There currently isn't a way to re-execute that step through the Kuali Build GUI so we'll need a way to do it.
Do we need a database for this web service?
- we need to map the Kuali Build application with the corresponding OnBase document type