The upgrade is tentatively set for middle of June 2023
How to prepare
Point Point your test environment to esb-test1.its.hawaii.edu to verify that your application can publish and/or consume messages.This upgrade appears to be seamless. Major applications have tested against this new version and did not need to make any upgrades to their client. No issues have been reported thus far. Do not point your production environment to our test environment as you do not want to mix production data with test data.
If you have never used our test environments in the past, we may need to add your IP address to our firewall. If you have been using TLS 1.1, you must now use TLS 1.2 or 1.3. Other than that, you should be able to connect to this test broker and publish and/or consume messages as applicable. Several applications have already tested successfully against this new version of the broker.
Please contact its-iam-help@lists.hawaii.edu if you encounter run into any issues during your tests.