The University implements SSO via the JA-SIG Central Authentication Server (CAS), which is branded as the UH Web Login service. The UH Web Login service has an 8-hour session timeout and also uses session cookies for the ticket granting ticket (TGT) cookie. The 8-hour timeout expires any CAS session that is older than 8 hours. If a session (determined via a user's TGT) is over 8 hours old, the credentials will have to be reentered for access to a SSO resource. The TGT cookie is destroyed when the web browser is closed, thereby ending the CAS session. The next time the person tries to access a SSO resource, CAS will ask again for credentials.
The University's primary electronic identifier is the UH Number. The UH Number is unique for each individual and permanently assigned. Additionally, the UH Username (similar to netId) is likewise unique for each individual and never reallocated to another individual.
Electronic Identity Database