- uhReleasedGrouping value for groupings:
- The name of the grouping (not the full path). It should only have letters, numbers and hyphens.
- Obfuscated groupings begin An obfuscated grouping begins with "obf:" and is followed by a long hex string.
- uhReleasedGrouping value for groups in curated collection:
- The full path to the actual store group, which usually begins with hawaii.edu:store:
- The full path to the group actually provides important information about the group.
- For example, hawaii.edu:store:hris:aff:uhsystem:staff.apt tells us that these are all the APT Staff at a system-level office according to the PeopleSoft HR system.
- If there is already a nomenclature for the UH Group Store, it does not make sense to come up with a new nomenclature for use with uhReleasedGrouping. It would be cumbersome, confusing and harder to maintain.