Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • 8,9,10,11 can be added as attachment sections so that they can be left out of the application
  • have suggested sections 1-12 (allow the faculty to delete sections)
    • Image Added

9 above - Phase II is to pull from Banner (but from what point in time?  all courses taught?)

10 is based on accreditation - list of assigned time is non-instructional work; faculty get released from teaching a couple of classes so that they can work on other things

For each committee, a chair needs to be designated because they have elevated privileges, specifically uploading the final recommendation repot of the committee and selecting recommend/not recommend


9 and 10 is based on accredidation; list of assigned time is non-instructional work - faculty got released from teaching a couple of classes


don’t allow them to delete